Welcome to Rhuah SoulSpace Foundation

We are a private community of men and women, with the desire to make our community a place, where each being thrives and lives in harmony with their medicine.

Founders & Guides

Willian and Sabina Garavito-Schöpfer are two dynamic lovers of life. Their combine desire to see lives transformed and healed, provides a Sacred container that can hold with tenderness those that are fortunate enough to be around their presence.

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Sabina.          Garavito-Schöpfer

Sabina. Garavito-Schöpfer

Mag. Sabina Garavito-Schöpfer

Specialized in integrating Practical Life with a Spiritual Walk & Recovery from Life Traumas

Following the guidance of Spirit is never easy, and yet the rewards far exceed the risk.

This is what Sabina has taught throughout her career since becoming a Lic. Psychologist in 2003 and Lic. Psychotherapist in 2008 in Switzerland and then later in Austria.

As a child she was driven by the desire to know Spirit and this inquisition led her to seek these careers. Noticing that these venues of Psychology and Psychotherapy were good vehicles and yet there was something far grater that drove her to connect the unseen with the seen, the unmeasurable and the tangible, yet these tangible experiences that she had during her formative years and later in her school years. drove her to a deep connection with her Shamanic world and this led her to write a book on how these disciplines meet and work together (Seelenraum: Wo sich Gestalttherapie und Schamanismus begegnen). Available now in German and currently been translated into English.

Willian Meraki Garavito-Schöpfer

Willian Meraki Garavito-Schöpfer

At times we come to a place in our lives when we need to face our inner-world with love and compassion. And, during these times we need a guide to help us walk through the difficulty we are facing. Willian is that guide. He continues to work with many people across the globe when life is not working for them or when life has thrown circumstances that are beyond their current ability to cope.

Willian’s loving openness helps support the discovery of beneficial life-giving strategies. His ability to help those that come to him accept and love their circumstances has proven to be effective and life-changing. Here is what Raquel has said about her experience… “Mahalo Willie… Through your mentoring and individual sessions I was able to heal the relationship with both my Mom & Dad.”  

Through his life-affirming and compassionate one to one life-coaching, workshops, wisdom circle and weekend retreats he offers a safe container to look inside and make life changing decisions that brings peace to the past and a sense of curiosity towards the future.


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